Resources for the marketing academic job market 

There are some guides and listing sites for the marketing academic job market on this page. The American Marketing Association (AMA) has an official guidebook from prominent marketing scholars about transitioning from doctoral student to marketing professor. Moreover, there are personal guides from scholars, such as Dr. Gijs Overgoor and Dr. Martina Pocchiari. I want to thank all these scholars for taking the time to share their advice, experiences, and resources! Below the guides are popular sites where marketing academic jobs are listed. I'm always updating this page, so I’d love it if you could share any resources you’ve found helpful!

Wishing you all the best as you enter the job market. I hope you find an academic home that really values and inspires you. Be kind to yourself and lean on your community—mentors, friends, family.

Marketing Academic Job Market Guides

AMA Transitions Guide: Navigating the Progression from Doctoral Student to Marketing Professor

Best Practices for the Fall North American Rookie Job Market: 2024 Update

Dr. Shrabastee Banerjee's Advice and Experience for the Job Market

Dr. Neil Bendle's Advice for the Job Market

Dr. Heesoo Jang's Advice for the Job Market - Not specific to the Marketing Job Market, but it is still a wonderful and supportive guide to the job market's challenges.

Dr. Sarah Ku's Resources for the Job Market

Dr. Gijs Overgoor's Advice and Experience for the Job Market

Dr. Martina Pocchiari's Advice and Resources for the Job Market

Tips on Negotiating Your Job Market Offer

Weathering the Job Market with Your Friends

Marketing Academic Job Market Listings

AMA Elmar Job Listings 

HigherEdJobs Listings - You can create "Job Alerts" under "My Account" to receive updates on job postings based on location, job category, position type, and institution type.

Marketing Ph.D. Jobs